Declaration of Dependence?

The life of abiding takes a drastic turn from the normal when we open scripture. I used to see scripture as a source of information and directions on how to live. In a way, this is true, but it waters down the totality of the Word. Throughout the Word of God we see a theme. It is common, from Genesis 2 to 1 and 2 Kings, through the Psalms, and into Ezekiel and Micah. We see it most clearly when we watch the 2nd member of the Trinity walking this Earth. It is in abiding that we note life is prosperous.

As I was reading during my devotion time I felt led to dive into Deuteronomy 8 with my kids. This seems an odd bit of scripture to dive into with kids. I feel most avoid Deuteronomy, except maybe 10. Though our commission as parents can be found in 6 and 11. But in 8 we see the Lord talking through Moses and showing His ultimate goal and purpose for us, DEPENDENCE on HIM. This is the key to abiding.

There are two main skills that we develop as Christians who abide in Him as He abides in us. The first comes when we change how we view scripture. This book is not just information, this collection of the very Words of God, inspired through the Spirit of God, contain everything for us to understand what to do. And understanding these very words have the power to change us, transform us, we must read them for transformation and not simply for information. I accepted Christ at the ripened medium rare age of 15ish. Until I was 35, so 20 years, I had not read the Bible for transformation. What do you mean by transformation Chris? Just that… Am I reading the statutes with the heart of Psalm 119, expecting and demanding my flesh to change with every word, every sentence? If I am not, then where can the transformation occur? The Bible was not meant to be read. It was meant to be prayed, sang, and worshipfully recited out. This is to hide it in our hearts so we might not sin against Him. But it is also to realign our thoughts, to the mind of Christ as Paul calls out in 1 Corinthians 2:16. This skill of learning to step through the Bible in a completely different way, in hopefully expectation of how the Holy Spirit will use it has led to some interesting choices of scripture to walk my kids through. It has increased our time in devotion at night too, sometimes resulting in 4 sleeping kids and a joyfully contented father. But we come back to Deuteronomy 8 tonight.

Many might read the first verse and get turned off, “Be careful to obey all the commands I am giving you today.” I hear that. Paul talks about the fact that we are not under law, but grace. He shouts this from the prison rooftops in Romans 7 and 8. But let us look at the life of Jesus. He led a life willingly submitted to the Father. He had power enough, and though he was fully human, he was fully God. He could have done each and every one of those miracles in His own power. But time and time again he repeats, “I speak not my own words, but the Father’s”, “Not my will but the Father’s”, “What I speak and do I do of the Father and not of my own”. So, he submitted in everything to the Father. Strange, right? So why do we find that so difficult? We try to build our own kingdoms with our jobs, families, and legacies, while God is asking something simpler, something even easier. Let us look at the rest of 8.

In the first 5 verses God is reminding Israel of their salvation and discipline. But the Lord’s discipline is never without purpose. What is His purpose in it all? Vs 3b, “He did it to teach you that people need more than bread for their life; real life comes by feeding on every word of the Lord.” And why does this ring a bell? Could it be the very affirmation that Jesus made to strengthen himself when the deceiver tried to get him to turn rocks into Tuscan style bread? Yes, it was. It gets better y’all, keep up with the Spirit as he guides us through this. For all these forty years your clothes didn’t wear out, and your feet didn’t blister or swell. Guess what this is a sign of? When the normal physics do not apply to your situation and you find things that should have worn out, broken, or ran out continue to work, that is a sure sign of an intentional God with compassion working. So, why all of this? What is he calling us to? DEPENDENCE. He wants us to live spiritually as Adam and Eve (Woman at the time) did in Genesis 2.

Let’s continue in this light. A dependent relationship with the Lord of Hosts and discover truly what freedom looks like in the Lord!


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