Discipleship in Action
What’s the end game with Jesus and the 12 disciples?
His time with them wrapped up with showing what it looks like to abide.
Christian growth, maturity in Christ is great. Yet the Motiff Jesus showed the disciples the night before the crucifixion shows the focus to be the relationship with the Father. His words and His actions.
John 15:5-10
Jesus’ joy in the father is complete. And he has invited us into this circle of abiding with him. This is bearing the fruit of abiding. This leads to us thinking and acting like Jesus. This gives us the dreams and purpose of Jesus.
This is important for us to overcome our stuck points and defense mechanisms.
The more I rely on God as my source, the more I look like God. Instead of working hard to be more like God. p
The fruit of abiding:
We develop a trust in God through abiding as we develop a dependence on another. In the same way a parent many times causes a child to grow independent of them when it is a positive thing to rely on another.
Howard Hendricks: Living by the Book (2007)
John Piper: Finally alive (2009)
Lewis Sperry Schaeffer: He that is spiritual (1918)
Needham, David: Birthright (1979)