The Secret Garden

When I first read the account in the Garden of Eden I read it for the purpose of understanding what happened. Much like the rest of the Bible I read it so I could know the history of God working in the world, and universe. I found it interesting, in that God decided to create, but nothing else stood out. It wasn’t until 2019 that I started to read the Word of God differently. I stopped reading for information, and started reading for transformation. Once I did, Genesis 2 changed everything!

My last blog was on dependence, and this is a continuation of that. Think about the garden and what occurred? Why was the so important? Forget that the creation occurred and the sin occurred. Neither of those in this moment are what we are going to focus on. Let’s say for a second that the Lord revealed a character of His and a distinguishing characteristic of ours (Humans) that would and could change our lives if we understood it. Jesus even showed it in the entirety of His ministry on earth as fully man and fully God. Looking at Genesis 2 through the transformative lens of abiding we see things a little differently. Take a second and read Genesis 2. I know, a blogger asking you to read scripture. My words won’t ever impact you nearly as much as His words, so indulge me.

Now I have some questions:

Who brought the water to the land? God. Who planted the plants? God. Who made the fruit trees and orchards with delicious fruits and veggies? God. Who brought the fun animals who did not try to eat Adam? God. Who made sure he had not invented weeds at that point? God. So, let me get this straight, Adam and Eve lived in a garden they did not plant, nor water, nor cultivate, and all they had to do was name animals, eat the fruit and walk with the Lord?

They depended on God for their very life, food, shelter, companionship, and breath. And what was the result of this dependent relationship? Genesis 2:25, “Now although Adam and his wife were both naked, neither of them felt any shame.” Living without shame, can any of us admit to living in the same light? Chances are good, that is not the case. Where does shame come from then? It comes from us not being able to accomplish something due to lack of ability, skill, or resources. So, did Adam or his wife have trouble accomplishing anything in the garden? NO, but why? Because they depended solely on the Lord for EVERYTHING! So, as we depend on Him for our needs, both intrinsic and extrinsic, we find that shame has no place in our life anymore. Why? I lost my job, but I depend on the Lord for money and not a person. He will sustain me through this as I walk according to how He speaks through His word. My marriage dissolved and I tried everything. As I give that trauma and difficulty to Him I find that he can fill that gap and shame has no place, because he in his ability, skill, and resources will bring me through it. I screamed at my kids in rage because they did not do what I asked. Yet, I was upset because they did not do what I wanted, and I felt out of control. Yet, when I abide in Him, control is no longer what I seek, but to please Him who brought me out of the dark. So, yelling at my kids decreases, and praising my God increases as He provides me with the wisdom and discernment to parent their hearts righteously.

Wow! Thank God we have such an intentional compassionate Savior who calls us out of our lack and shame, and into his provision and strength. I pray all of you can walk in this truth of his word. May you decrease and He increase! Love you all in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Reading His word in a new way


Declaration of Dependence?